Gary Snyder’s private collection: February 2019

“ Ode to Mt. Tam & Gary Snyder : Cabin Fever”

The 3D poetic canvas created from walking Mt. Tam behind the footsteps of Gary Snyder has been added to the poet´s private collection.  It will eventually be part of the literary archive housed at the Special Collections Department of the Library at U C Davis.  His publisher, Jack Shoemaker relayed Mr. Gary Snyder´s gratitude for the art. 

“Mr Snyder is grateful for your work. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. I will send it along to Mr. Snyder.”

Jack Shoemaker, publisher.

Poet Gary Snyder in Berkeley with “Ode to Mt. Tam & Gary Snyder: Cabin Fever”

Poet Gary Snyder in Berkeley with “Ode to Mt. Tam & Gary Snyder: Cabin Fever”